Closer2Talent Performance App

Closer2Talent Performance App
The Performance Cards as mirrors for your personal growth.

The technique of the Closer2Talent Growth App is simple, you ask a question and then press the card that is presented while you, in peace, concentrate on your question.
Each answer comes from 108 emotional elements (sun-side) or 108 ratio elements (moon-side). A total of 216 options that create ideas, dreams, thoughts and information. When you consult the Closer2Talent App you actually have access to this flow of knowledge.

The human being is a complex whole. It is not for nothing that countless studies have been devoted to gain more insight into the behavior and perception of people. Psychologists generally assume that people show conscious behavior for only 10%. In addition, there is the very large area of ​​the subconscious, which covers a total of 90%. The image often used here is that of an iceberg. Sailors know the real danger of looming an iceberg. As a layman you can sail harmlessly, because the iceberg seems to be far away. But what can be seen from the iceberg is only the tip. Under water is by far the largest part of this dangerous natural phenomenon. That bottom often also protrudes in all directions. As a result, you have already reached the part of the iceberg that is under water much earlier than you might think.

So it is with the human being. People show behavior that they are only partially aware of. And besides, it is also true that there are many things deeply hidden within us, in the subconscious mind. That is, in a figurative sense, the part of the iceberg that is under water. We have no view of this and we do not have access to it either. It can surprise us regularly and it also has an influence on our lives. Usually our lives are too rushed to really go into the depth. In addition, we also do not always like to be confronted with things that we have hidden away. After all, we did not banish them to the subconscious at any time.

The best and most fruitful is if you make your discoveries in this area. That is why you are constantly presented with a mirror as a response to the questions asked.

The Closer2talent Performance App works perfectly if you continue to look at yourself critically and also look inside yourself through the Performance Cards. With the Closer2Talent Growth App you are able to view your own behavior and inner processes. This self-insight can be somewhat overshadowed by the existing problems. But the capacity for self-insight is still present. And the intention is that this will become more and more available through the use of the Closer2Talent Growth App. You also develop the ability to use Performace Cards even better in a team by getting familiar with the different ways of mapping.

Getting started with the Performance Cards in the Closer2Talent App?!
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‘Develop yourself at any time of the day.’